March 12, 2009

Assorted Lisp news

Last week I came across Bartosz Milewski's blog post criticizing the proposed implementation of futures in the forthcoming C++ standard. Milewski's chief dissatisfaction was the absence of a mechanism for composition. PCall (which I've blogged about before) was in a similar position, so I decided to implement a mechanism for non-deterministic composition and send in a patch. Milewski's blog post also spawned an excellent discussion about futures on Lambda the Ultimate.

Today I rewrote the Parenscript tutorial to use the recently released 1.0 version of Hunchentoot instead of AllegroServe. Edi Weitz and Hans Hübner did a major redesign for the 1.0 release, breaking interface compatibility with previous versions of Hunchentoot. The new interface provides greater Open Implementation capabilities, and makes a sharp demarcation between methods intended for OI and those for regular server programming. I like it.

Beware that if you're not using LispWorks, the 1.0 release of Hunchentoot depends on certain library capabilities (I suspect it's usocket but haven't verified) that as of the time of writing haven't been made into official releases yet. This means that if you get Hunchentoot dependencies via ASDF-Install it will likely not work (for me, it just instantly dropped all incoming connections) - use clbuild to get the latest repository versions of the dependencies.

Earlier last year I found out about Doug Hoyte's Let Over Lambda and after reading the sample chapters promptly got excited. I visited the site recently and found out that the book was published a few months ago. This morning my copy arrived in the mail - I'll be posting a review here later. In the meantime you can obtain your own copy.

LispNYC is once again looking to participate in Google's Summer of Code program. The list of accepted organizations hasn't been announced yet, but you can start proposing summer projects on the LispNYC website.

Just found out about For a non-English generalist Lisp website the forum gets a fair amount of traffic.

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