January 18, 2012

Upcoming presentation about Parenscript

I'm going to be giving a talk about Parenscript to the Montreal Scheme/Lisp Users Group on Thursday, January 19 (meeting details here).

The slides I'm going to be using are here, and a list of links referenced in the talk is below. The last time I gave a presentation on Parenscript was to LispNYC in 2007. Parenscript has received a huge number of changes and improvements since then, and continues to be the best language/compiler to JavaScript and one of the best tools available for web application development. What's also new since 2007 are libraries and tools that extend Parenscript: Red Daly has added CLOS and the Common Lisp condition system to JavaScript as a Parenscript library, and there are now several options for interactive development with SLIME in your browser.



Vladimir Sedach said...

François Pinard was kind enough to make an audio recording of the presentation, which I've temporarily hosted at: (83 MiB)

Anonymous said...

The slides say "Common Lisp is a Lisp-4". Can I ask which 4 you're thinking of?

Vladimir Sedach said...

Besides the variable and function namespace (which btw, is also shared by macro functions), there's also the type and property list namespace. That makes 4. I don't think the documentation namespace counts as another one, because it's per-variable, function or type.